How to create a IIS hosted WCF

Posted by Kerwen Blog on October 30, 2018

Create a new WCF Project

  1. Open Visual Studio 2017 with Admin priviledage
  2. File -> New -> Project
  3. In “Visual C#” -> “WCF”, select “WCF Service Library” open

Host by IIS

  1. Right click on solution, select “Add” -> “New project”
  2. Select “Visual C#” -> “Web” -> “Previous Versions” -> “WCF Service”
  3. Input project name and location, click “OK” button
  4. Delete “AppCode” and “AppData” folder
  5. Add WCF Service project in reference
  6. Modify svc file
  7. Add WCF configuration in Web.Config

Setup IIS

  1. Create a new application pool
  2. Create new application under “Sites” -> “Default web site”
  3. Modify folder access if you meet access deny issue.