Kerwen Blog

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Angular 框架为我们提供了三大工具,帮助我们更愉快地编写和运行单元测试: Jasmine:一款主流的测试框架。 Karma:一款主流的单元测试执行引擎。 Angular testing utilities:一个工具类,增强在 Angular 框架下,编写单元测试的体验。 在使用 Angular CLI 创建项目的同时,单元测试环境也已经配置好了,可以直接编写单元测试。运行命令 ng ...

Encrypt blog page

Reference hexo-blog-encrypt

Com+ application

Reference COM+ Application: Detail steps to create COM+ Application Accessing COM+ component using C# Accessing COM+ component using C#

如何获取SQL Report Services的URL

Reference How to get SQL Server Report Server URL?


安装 SQL Server SequenceManager uses SQL Server and FactoryTalk Event Archiver to archive event records for reporting. SQL Server 2019 (English version only) SQL Server 2017 (English version only) S...

FactoryTalk Batch入门4:Batch View

FactoryTalk Batch View is used to initiate and control the batch process and to view running batches. It has a graphical user interface with easy to use windows and buttons and, like most of the Fa...

FactoryTalk Batch入门3:Batch Recipe Editor

FactoryTalk Batch 配方编辑器(Batch Recipe Editor)用于创建和配置主配方。 FactoryTalk Batch 配方编辑器可以使用表格tables、顺序功能图sequential function charts 或两者,以图形方式将程序信息组织到单元程序unit procedures、操作operations和阶段phases中。 配方的制定者可以使用编辑...

Get process Name of active port

Reference Build your own netstat.exe with c Sharp ManagedIpHelper

FactoryTalk Batch入门2:Equipment Editor

Equipment Editor 简介 FactoryTalk Batch Equipment Editor 是用于配置设备和相关功能以生成设施区域模型的组件。 FactoryTalk Batch Equipment Editor 中定义的组件与设施中的过程连接设备 (PCD) 交互。 如 ISA S88.01标准中所述,工厂的区域模型分为以下物理组件: • 处理单元 Process Cel...

FactoryTalk Batch实操6:Batch ActiveX controls

FTBatch在安装的时候,会在安装目录(C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Software\Batch)下创建一个名为BATCHCTL的共享文件夹,里面包含SampleDemo1和SampleDemo2两个Demo工程. 添加Security账户 配置Security policy 配置 Batch Server 重建配方目录 启动Batch Ser...